What are the most ridiculous blockchain ideas/startups

Jenn К

author of all this stuff
3m read

Oranges, democracy, cats “on the blockchain”! What else? Babies “on the blockchain”? Well... just keep reading.

“On the blockchain” democracy

Swiss Blockchain startup Agora put the Sierra Leone voting system on the blockchain. But actually, it a lie as Agora “observed” as voters submitted paper ballots and then recorded those results independently on a distributed database. So? technically, it's a copy of the election results - no more, no less.

“On the blockchain” Estonia

Estonia’s digital infrastructure, called the “X-Road,” is believed to be on the blockchain and distributes the country’s vast data troves across regional lines. But actually, the "on the blockchain" level in this case simply is 0. X-Road runs through a distributed system — not a blockchain. The end of the story.

“On the blockchain" oranges

Sounds cool, but it's actually easier than it sounds. I hate to ruin it for you, but there are no "literal oranges" on the blockchain. There are quite a few facts about the way oranges from one location to another, each of which represents a point in the supply chain of oranges recorded in a distributed book. That is, the blockchain simply, although it is worth noting, significantly reduced the time required for the transfer of “critical transport documents” from seven days to “several moments”.

“On the blockchain” cat

Again, you should not take anything at face value, as the cat nicknamed Mr. Bigglesworth, whose owner Scott Scheper (XYO founder) really deals with the blockchain every day. But the fact is that he is wearing the blockchain, but he’s certainly not “on” it. The fact is that Mr. Bigglesworth wears a Bluetooth brooch, data from which transmits to the Ethereum blockchain.

“On the blockchain” society

No, this is not about the Black Mirror, it is about the fact that given that the “society” is actually a gigantic registration system, it is likely that it can be put on the blockchain. The easiest way is to upload all the birth certificates, credentials, constitutions, as well as culture, love, life, music, and everything on the list to the blockchain. It’s quite "on the blockchain."

“On the blockchain” last will and testament

Again, it sounds wild, like the plot of one of the series of the Black Mirror, but in fact, it is the most “on the blockchain” thing in the whole list. How does it work? DigiPulse keeps track of your social media accounts, and if you stop using them for a long period, it suggests that you are dead (although let's be honest, there are dozens of reasons to not use social networks, and death doesn't always mean that, unless "death" of your account on Instagram) and will transfer your crypto assets to your next of kin. Well, at least this system is actually based on the blockchain.

“On the blockchain” babies

The “first blockchain baby”. Ugh, maybe one day, but now it's just a process of tracking an unborn baby’s progress during its gestation period by using blockchain. Well, not quite, or rather not completely, since the “anonymous, unique identifiers” about the baby are held partially on a “blockchain ledger,” but also partially on a “traditional Structured Query Language (SQL) database (which is worth mentioning is encrypted and is not available for the blockchain).

So the moral of the story: not all blockchain that called blockchain, but nevertheless, now you know 7 ridiculous things "on the Blockchain", which, who knows, will one day really match their name, and the creators will not need to hype on "Blockchain" and will use words properly.

Written by:

Jenn К

Author bio: author of all this stuff

Comments (1)

  • Andy Haluza

    Oh gosh, it's so relevant for now, BTC grow up to 24K