Historical portraits of famous Ukrainian personalities

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Jenn К

author of all this stuff
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  • #history
Represent Historical portraits of famous Ukrainian personalities article
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Today I am starting a series of historical portraits of famous Ukrainian personalities.

Let's start with the reign of the first princes. These will be brief facts about famous people of that time. Let's start with Kievan Rus.

If you enjoy reading about these personalities (Askold, Igor Ruriekvich, Princess Olga, etc.), then I will look for and write more interesting materials about them.

So let's get started.

ASKOLD (? - 882) ruled with his brother Deer

Territory: glades, woodsmen, northerners


• 860 - march on Constantinople, the first known treaty between Russia and Byzantium: recognition of Russia as a state, the beginning of diplomatic history, the state's entry into the international arena

• The first to convert to Christianity

• 2. OLEG (882-912)

Territory: from Novgorod to Kiev


• 882 assassination of Askold and Deer

• Chronicle: "And Oleg said" You are not both princes. And I am a kind of prince. And this is the son of the Rurik "Igor

• In 882 he united the northern and southern Russian lands

• Chronicle: "Let Kyiv have Russian cities"

• In 907 a successful campaign in Byzantium, concluded a favorable treaty, from 911. Russian merchants traded duty free

• Chronicle "Nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople", "put ships on wheels"

• Released from the tribute of the Khazar Khaganate

• 912 campaign in the Caucasus, died under unknown circumstances

• Chronicle: "Prophet Oleg"

His enemies was Khazars - nomadic people, they became famous after the invasion of Huns.

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Written by:

Jenn К

Author bio: author of all this stuff

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