What influence did Egyptian art have on the classical world?
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Jenn К
author of all this stuff- #art
- #culture
- #history
![Represent What influence did Egyptian art have on the classical world? article](https://newerest.space/uploads/small_8g276hsmql9o8612d9u7x2wc6ol5en_0414230eda.jpeg)
Undoubtedly, Egypt was the most significant state in terms of a political system, social order, and military achievements. And yet - it is the art of Ancient Egypt that emphasizes the greatness of this power, whose heritage has survived to our times.
Beautiful painting on fabric, wood and bone carving, mosaic, stained glass, gold, and silver jewelry. Faience and porcelain works of art, products from various types of metal and precious stones - Egyptian art does not cease to inspire modern people.
The Egyptian style is a unique combination of harmony and spontaneity, the combination of a unique plot and smooth lines. The main subjects of the Egyptian style in the painting are mythological and heroic scenes, as well as scenes based on real events.
An essential role in art played sculpture. In the Ancient Kingdom, such types of statues appeared: figures were depicted standing or sitting, the back was always straight, the shoulders were unfolded, the face was turned into the distance.
The coloring was also conditional: the man’s body was depicted as red-brown, the woman’s body was yellow-pink, their hair and eyes were all black, and their clothes were white. Portrait features in the transfer of face. Reliefs and murals began to occupy a significant place.
The musical culture of Ancient Egypt is the oldest in the world. Music accompanied religious ceremonies, festivities and was associated with dance, pantomime, dramatic works, and literature. Gradually, the music divided into cult, court, and folk.
The Egyptians contributed to the development and improvement of musical instruments. Especially - Harp.
Musicians were held in high esteem in society. The musical human voice was also considered a great honor.
The ancient Egyptian texts that have come down to us are prayers to the gods and household records. Fiction was represented by various genres, such as the teachings of kings and sages to their sons, many tales of miracles and sorcerers, novels, biographies of dignitaries, songs, and spells.
Egyptian fiction has left us many tales of various contents and backgrounds.
The genre of teachings was widespread.
Hymns to the gods and pharaohs, love lyrics, songs of praise were also common.
In fact, the influence of Egyptian culture - direct and indirect - on our modern culture is found at every step. Listen to conversations, news, even to annoying advertisements: "She has a neck, like Nefertiti", "There they have a Babel pandemonium!". And this is just what everyone is hearing. A well-read person will continue the list. Will remember the "Belshazzar's Feast," and the "mysterious sphinxes," and the "winged angels," and much more.
Thanks for reading!
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Jenn К
Author bio: author of all this stuff